
Showing posts from November, 2022

Is it Really Happening?

 Wow, okay. A lot seemed to happen since my last post. I talk about current issues between my posts on my Telegram: For Starters, Elon musk held a poll   asking if Twitter should hold a "general amnesty" for people who have been suspended "provided that they have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam". While this is a step in the right direction. Many of anons are still suspended or shadowbanned from old Twitter. However, I recently have been unshadowbanned  on my main account, which gives me hope still. Twitter has recently added a policy against "denying violent events" It includes Sandy Hook, The (((Holocaust))) and 9/11. While these events certainly happened (but 6 Million? cmon man!) there are obvious discrepancies in their official narratives which must be questioned. I assume this policy goes aganist the questioning of any part of such events, so this is an obvious L for Elon. But you can report Communists that say th

Balenciga, Kayne West and White Women

Greetings to everyone (frens at frenschan included too). I have decided to add a news section to each of my blog posts. I also created a Telegram channel  for those who are more into that. I will be posting smaller things such as news and memes occasionally there too, so look out for that. News as of November 22, 2022 Balenciaga has faced backlash after having a marketing campaign featuring children holding teddy bears in bondage clothing, and a barely hidden court document about the legality of VIRTUAL CHILD PORN.  link This is not surprising considering their creative designer is a  gay jew . But this raises multiple questions for us. Why would they do such a thing? I read somewhere that satanism requires revealing of their plans before execution, so this may be a case of that. Since the backlash, they have deleted all posts on their Instagram account, and issued an apology. But the damage since has been done. Hopefully this will reach more normies, and cause an mini-awakening on the
 Okay. Time for another post. Recently I have had a growing concern with my future. Especially regarding college. I am pretty much guaranteed for financial aid for college in-state, to the point where I will graduate w/o debt. However I am being pushed by parents to go to college out of state, as colleges here are pretty mediocre. That decision comes later though, and I shouldn't be too worried about such things. Anyways, I need to start reading books again. I recently finished "Behead All Satans" which was a very good read. I loved the ending where he adopted a cat that he loved very much. Kind of made up for that one random stray cat he killed. We all make mistakes I suppose. Anyways, I need to resume my reading list, I have one that works my way up the spectrum of books. Most retards start with Evola and barely understand it, I do not want to be like that. In other news, I do miss social media a lot. I have been using Telegram,Gab and Twitter sparingly but I miss talki


  My heart seemed to beat out of my chest as I felt the cadence of boots quake under my feet. Man next to man, brother behind brother, the deep connection that was felt between us seemed to march us, step by step, in unison. The sea of white faces, albeit masked, seemed to form one.  Each one of us, once enemies, once turned against each other by the very cowardly force that despised us, were now marching in the Eternal Brotherhood together. It did not matter what class, family or religion we belonged to. All that mattered was our blood, the very blood that courses through our blue veins. The blood that flowed under our white skin. Our clothes indicated the many different walks of life we came from. Peasants, tradesmen and even the noble classes marched in unison with each other, for it did not matter what clothes we had on our back, as the uniform we had, our white skin, represented noble justice, intelligence and altruism. Once pushed down and suppressed, our noble qualities will eve