Is it Really Happening?

 Wow, okay. A lot seemed to happen since my last post.

I talk about current issues between my posts on my Telegram:

For Starters, Elon musk held a poll  asking if Twitter should hold a "general amnesty" for people who have been suspended "provided that they have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam". While this is a step in the right direction. Many of anons are still suspended or shadowbanned from old Twitter. However, I recently have been unshadowbanned on my main account, which gives me hope still.

Twitter has recently added a policy against "denying violent events" It includes Sandy Hook, The (((Holocaust))) and 9/11. While these events certainly happened (but 6 Million? cmon man!) there are obvious discrepancies in their official narratives which must be questioned. I assume this policy goes aganist the questioning of any part of such events, so this is an obvious L for Elon. But you can report Communists that say the Holodomor was fake, so I guess we got that going for us.

I see some schizos saying that Elon is the Antichrist and this thing with Twitter is a front for him to push some sort of social credit system. I think there is some truth to these theories. 

Elon is compromised. There is no way the richest man in the world isnt compromised. He went to a Jewish school, his dad was MI6 and had connections to Epstein. 

He is now saying he wants to have an "everything app" (basically Wechat) and his own phone brand. Also, anyone who wants to put a microchip in your brain is not your friend. Enough said.

Okay, now to the elephant in the room.

Kayne West and Nick Fuentes met with Trump yesterday. Trump detailed the meeting as uneventful. While Ye had a different story to tell  .  Supposedly Kayne, Fuentes and two other cronies (most likely Milo and someone else) went to have dinner with Trump. Fuentes criticized him over him not helping to free J6 prisoners. Trump then excused himself to take a call, then came back and started being hostile. He insulted Ye's ex-wife, and screamed at Kayne saying he would never win if he ran.

Many are left with a bad taste in their mouth after seeing this. And I do not blame them. Fuentes seems alright when it comes to his takes, but his involvement in the J6 event and his degeneracy can raise some eyebrows. And of course, Milo is a gay jew and is a bad actor.

I remember when Kayne first tweeted out the defcon tweet and took that interview. Many people in the movement did not seem to think it was a big deal, I remember TRS barely talked about it in their podcasts. Now after the red media graph and the Harley Pasternak scandal, everyone cant stop talking about him.

Now it seems like the alt-lite is hijacking his movement. Again, Fuentes is a retard but he isn't entirely terrible, but Milo isn't a prolific jew-namer himself. Personally, I cant figure out whos jewing who anymore, but it seems that this movement has a high possibility of being a psyop.

Jews know that they can't let the boiler explode, so they use people like Fuentes, Kayne and (((Christian Nationalism))) to let out a little steam. This shouldn't be a surprise to you if you are not a retard. Fuentes and his loyal followers think that there is a political solution and Trump is on their side. They are wrong.

So far, yes, we have been winning. Jews have been forced to admit that, yes, they do hold a disproportionate amount of media and banking. We shouldn't rely on a Mestizo, a black man, a gay jew and two Billionaire Zionists to save the White race however. We need to  use this opportunity to bring young white men to National Socialism, not groyperism. Make more Twitter alts. Tell people to watch Europa and The Greatest Story Never Told. Join an active club or even start one. We need to collect as much steam as possible from the boiler into our chambers.

April 22: CERN restarts

July 6: Georgia Guidestones Blown up

October 9: Kayne names the jew

November 8: 99th Anniversary of Beer Hall Putsch, Blood Moon, Rothschild dies (Rothschild means "red sign")

Food for thought.


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